Playable Characters[]
In Earthen Miraculous Sword, there are three playable characters to choose from.
天衣無縫の能天気 Flawless Thoughtlessness Yabusame Houren
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 Loafing Monochrome Tsubakura Enraku
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 Ambiguously Paper-thin Archeologist Kuroji Shitodo
Enemy Characters[]
進退両難あまがっぱ Raincoat between a rock and a hard place Jun Amanomiya
歩く潤滑剤 Walking Lubricant Shou Amanomori
無頓着に収束する恩光 Unconcerned Converging Sunlight Lumen Celeritas
陽気な取立て屋 Cheerful Debt Collecter Hibaru Kokutenshi
無垢なる天才埴輪 Pure and Genius Haniwa Sukune Katano
大蛇の末裔 Descendant of Orochi Adagumo no Yaorochi
最後の瞳 Final Eye Adagumo no Saragimaru