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Midboss Spell Card
Spell Card 097
Name: | 結界「四聖埴輪」 Barrier "The Four Haniwa Saints" | |
Character: | Sukune Katano Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 098
Name: | 結界「四聖埴輪」 Barrier "The Four Haniwa Saints" | |
Character: | Sukune Katano Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 099
Name: | 護陣「ヘロカルウスの守護神」 Guard Formation "Herokaruusu's Protective Deity"[1] | |
Character: | Sukune Katano Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 100
Name: | 護陣「ヘロカルウスの守護神」 Guard Formation "Herokaruusu's Protective Deity" | |
Character: | Sukune Katano Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Boss Spell Card #1
Spell Card 101
Name: | 毒牙「歯軋りする刃」 Poison Fang "The Sword that Grinds it's Teeth" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 102
Name: | 毒牙「歯軋りする刃」 Poison Fang "The Sword that Grinds it's Teeth" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 103
Name: | 「牙噛むは雄叫び天仰ぎ」 "To Gnaw with Fangs is to Bring Harm onto Yourself" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 104
Name: | 「牙噛むは雄叫び天仰ぎ」 "To Gnaw with Fangs is to Bring Harm onto Yourself" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Boss Spell Card #2
Spell Card 105
Name: | 護牌「七堂伽藍の胎動」 Protection Card "Seven-Structured Temple's Fetal Movement" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 106
Name: | 護牌「七堂伽藍の胎動」 Protection Card "Seven-Structured Temple's Fetal Movement" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 107
Name: | 「七つの尾」 "Seven Tails" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 108
Name: | 「七つの尾」 "Seven Tails" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Boss Spell Card #3
Spell Card 109
Name: | 降誕「割り裂かれる尾」 Birth "The Split Tail"[2] | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 110
Name: | 降誕「割り裂かれる尾」 Birth "The Split Tail" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 111
Name: | 「天羽々斬剣」 "Ame-no-habakiri Sword"[3] | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 112
Name: | 「天羽々斬剣」 "Ame-no-habakiri Sword" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Boss Spell Card #4
Spell Card 113
Name: | 斬整「土偶剪定」 Cut Up "Doguu Shearing"[4] | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 114
Name: | 斬整「土偶剪定」 Cut Up "Doguu Shearing" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 115
Name: | 「斬切舞」 "Cutting Dance" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 116
Name: | 「斬切舞」 "Cutting Dance" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Boss Spell Card #5
Spell Card 117
Name: | 込力「天の構え」 Inward Force "Formation of the Sky" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 118
Name: | 溜力「蒼天の構え」 Gathering Force "Formation of the Blue Sky" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 119
Name: | 抑力「雲薙ぎの構え」 Suppressing Force "Formation of the Cloud Mowing Sword" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 120
Name: | 「色即是空」 "Form is Emptiness" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Boss Spell Card #6
Spell Card 121
Name: | 「空薙ぎ」 "Sky Mowing Sword" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Easy | |
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Spell Card 122
Name: | 「草薙ぎ」 "Grass Mowing Sword"[5] | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Normal | |
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Spell Card 123
Name: | 「雲薙ぎ」 "Cloud Mowing Sword" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Hard | |
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Spell Card 124
Name: | 「天薙ぎ」 "Heaven Mowing Sword" | |
Character: | Adagumo no Yaorochi Stage 6 — Unreal | |
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Last Spell
Spell Card 128
- ↑ Herokaruusu is an area in Hokkaido.
- ↑ This is referencing the origin of the Kusanagi sword, which was found inside one of Orochi's tails.
- ↑ This is a reference to Ame no Habakiri, a sword which Susanoo used to kill Orochi.
- ↑ Doguu are ancient clay figures.
- ↑ Kusanagi, or "grass mowing", short for Kusanagi no Tsurugi, or "grass mowing sword". The other versions of this card are variations on this name.
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