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Midboss Spell Card

Spell Card 097

Screenshot Name: 結界「四聖埴輪」
Barrier "The Four Haniwa Saints"
Character: Sukune Katano
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 098

Screenshot Name: 結界「四聖埴輪」
Barrier "The Four Haniwa Saints"
Character: Sukune Katano
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 099

Screenshot Name: 護陣「ヘロカルウスの守護神」
Guard Formation "Herokaruusu's Protective Deity"[1]
Character: Sukune Katano
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 100

Screenshot Name: 護陣「ヘロカルウスの守護神」
Guard Formation "Herokaruusu's Protective Deity"
Character: Sukune Katano
Stage 6 — Unreal

Boss Spell Card #1

Spell Card 101

Screenshot Name: 毒牙「歯軋りする刃」
Poison Fang "The Sword that Grinds it's Teeth"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 102

Screenshot Name: 毒牙「歯軋りする刃」
Poison Fang "The Sword that Grinds it's Teeth"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 103

Screenshot Name: 「牙噛むは雄叫び天仰ぎ」
"To Gnaw with Fangs is to Bring Harm onto Yourself"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 104

Screenshot Name: 「牙噛むは雄叫び天仰ぎ」
"To Gnaw with Fangs is to Bring Harm onto Yourself"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Unreal

Boss Spell Card #2

Spell Card 105

Screenshot Name: 護牌「七堂伽藍の胎動」
Protection Card "Seven-Structured Temple's Fetal Movement"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 106

Screenshot Name: 護牌「七堂伽藍の胎動」
Protection Card "Seven-Structured Temple's Fetal Movement"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 107

Screenshot Name: 「七つの尾」
"Seven Tails"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 108

Screenshot Name: 「七つの尾」
"Seven Tails"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Unreal

Boss Spell Card #3

Spell Card 109

Screenshot Name: 降誕「割り裂かれる尾」
Birth "The Split Tail"[2]
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 110

Screenshot Name: 降誕「割り裂かれる尾」
Birth "The Split Tail"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 111

Screenshot Name: 「天羽々斬剣」
"Ame-no-habakiri Sword"[3]
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 112

Screenshot Name: 「天羽々斬剣」
"Ame-no-habakiri Sword"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Unreal

Boss Spell Card #4

Spell Card 113

Screenshot Name: 斬整「土偶剪定」
Cut Up "Doguu Shearing"[4]
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 114

Screenshot Name: 斬整「土偶剪定」
Cut Up "Doguu Shearing"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 115

Screenshot Name: 「斬切舞」
"Cutting Dance"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 116

Screenshot Name: 「斬切舞」
"Cutting Dance"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Unreal

Boss Spell Card #5

Spell Card 117

Screenshot Name: 込力「天の構え」
Inward Force "Formation of the Sky"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 118

Screenshot Name: 溜力「蒼天の構え」
Gathering Force "Formation of the Blue Sky"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 119

Screenshot Name: 抑力「雲薙ぎの構え」
Suppressing Force "Formation of the Cloud Mowing Sword"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 120

Screenshot Name: 「色即是空」
"Form is Emptiness"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Unreal

Boss Spell Card #6

Spell Card 121

Screenshot Name: 「空薙ぎ」
"Sky Mowing Sword"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Easy

Spell Card 122

Screenshot Name: 「草薙ぎ」
"Grass Mowing Sword"[5]
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Normal

Spell Card 123

Screenshot Name: 「雲薙ぎ」
"Cloud Mowing Sword"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Hard

Spell Card 124

Screenshot Name: 「天薙ぎ」
"Heaven Mowing Sword"
Character: Adagumo no Yaorochi
Stage 6 — Unreal

Last Spell

Spell Card 128

Screenshot Name: 「ただ一つの煌き」
"A Single Glimmer"
Character: Tasouken
Stage 6 — E/S/H/U
Commentary: Activate: have 2 petals full in your flower gauge at the end of the stage 6. The amount of petals determines how many lives you get for the duration of the card.


  1. Herokaruusu is an area in Hokkaido.
  2. This is referencing the origin of the Kusanagi sword, which was found inside one of Orochi's tails.
  3. This is a reference to Ame no Habakiri, a sword which Susanoo used to kill Orochi.
  4. Doguu are ancient clay figures.
  5. Kusanagi, or "grass mowing", short for Kusanagi no Tsurugi, or "grass mowing sword". The other versions of this card are variations on this name.
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